Tuesday, April 11, 2006

COMING SOON !!!!!!!!!!!

Yes gentlemen, and gentlemen. By popular demand, and innovative thinking, I will be bringing to you the first free online how to guide on men's personal styling. My first topic will be the neck tie. Since I have noticed that an overwhelming majority of my readers have logged onto this site in efforts to find out how to tie and create that perfect look for their next tie. I have taken the liberty to take it to the next step and give a step by step instructional video on the process.

Please try this @ home.

I will then begin filming more issues and topics based on the requests and questions that I receive from the site itself.

As a blueprint I feel the first 2 topics will be "How to tie a neck tie", and second "What type of Tie should I buy". Please log on for more updates.

Great Value $4 Great Deals

I have found some great deals on Macy's.com. Today and tomorrow are their "One Day Sale" days and everything in the clearance pages are an additional 25% off.

Now I myself consider myself to be a forcaster when it comes to Fashion and shopping. I tend to not jump into the trendy styles of the moment. Instead I wait for a more economically reasonable time when those items are @ a more affordable price. This works for me in 2 ways.
1.) It prevents me from jumping on the fashion breakdowns ie. Von Dutch.
2.) It keeps my account and self control on a tight leash.

Besides who am I kidding. I am not the guy who will set the next trends and styles. But I am that guy who will take that trend, funk it up and expand on it, in a classic gentlemen type of flavor that will remain timeless.

So with that said. Here are my top website picks of the day. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.